Typical applications: Out-of-state customers, Extended Service Areas, Advertising, Website Referrals
Related Services: POTS Business Lines, Centrex, PRI T1, Voice/Data Bundles, Long Distance, Voice over IP(VoIP), SIP/Hosted, Wireless/Cellular
Toll-free numbers are numbers that begin with one of the following three-digit codes: 800, 888, 877, or 866. Toll-free service allows callers to reach businesses and/or individuals without being charged for the call. The charge for using a toll-free number is paid by the called party (the toll free subscriber) instead of the calling party. Toll-free numbers can be dialed directly to your business or personal telephone line.
Toll-free service is very common and has proven successful for businesses, particularly in the areas of customer service and telemarketing. Toll-free service provides potential customers and others with a “free” and convenient way to contact businesses. Choosing the right toll-free provider and ensuring your business’ toll-free solution is providing low toll-free rates is often a crucial decision for the success of your company.
Contact TelecomMedic today to talk with an expert and determine which toll-free packages and specials are available today.
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