Typical Applications: Small to Medium size businesses with heavy voice traffic, call centers, support centers, etc.
Related Services: POTS Business Lines, Centrex, Voice/Data Bundles, Long Distance, Toll-Free Services, Voice over IP(VoIP), SIP/Hosted, Wireless/Cellular
Originally T1 services were provided by the phone companies as a way to transport 24 analog lines over two twisted pairs of wires. They never intended on selling dedicated T1 lines to customers. They were initially just a cost saving method of internal delivery for the phone service.
As technology changed, the PRI T1 has become very popular to businesses. It is a dynamic circuit that has 23 trunks (lines) and 1 data channel. Unlike older Analog T1 line service that required companies to define each of the 24 phone lines as either a 2-way line or a DID line, PRI T1s are able to switch the function of each trunk dynamically as phone calls are made which provides considerable flexibility.
PRI T1s come with many different options such as pay-per-call plans and unlimited local plans. Most competitive phone vendors (CLECs) also charge less for long distance with PRI T1 or offer bundled minutes. These packages are different per carrier and depend on location.
Please contact TelecomMedic for comprehensive product details and the best PRI T1 prices. Let us help you determine if T1 phone service is right for you.
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