Multiple Entrance Services

Multiple Entrance Services
Related Services: Fixed Wireless, Offsite Data Backup, Cloud/Hosted PBX, Message Broadcast
We have found that many customers need help in developing a true Disaster Recovery plan. One of the biggest mistakes that we see, within this space, is ‘how’ and ‘from whom’ backup services are supplied. Most carriers buy their “last mile” loops from the local phone company. Let’s use Internet Services as an example:
Your company buys their primary Internet service from AT&T, but you need a backup in case AT&T goes down. So, you find a local ISP or CLEC and buy a backup service. What many customers do not realize, is that the last mile of that service (the wire coming into your building) is also provided by AT&T. If you have a wire or fiber cut, most likely both services will go down since the same wire/path is coming into your building from both carriers.
TelecomMedic works with specific providers who will build secondary entrance(s) into your space. Therefore, if a wire cut does happen with your primary provider, it will most likely not affect your back up provider. These options could include a company who specializes in this product segment, a wireless provider, or a cable company. However, it does not stop there. After you find this provider you have to make sure they are not using the same ISP into the Internet in case it is simply a down Internet path.
This can make for a long investigation and take up quite a bit of your valuable time. Give us a call and we can make this a very easy process for you.
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